Future work and learning in disrupted world: 'The Best Chance for All'
Building and aligning the educational infrastructure.
May 26 2021 | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm AEST

Professor Helen Huntly
Vice-President (Academic), Tertiary Education Division, CQUniversity

Claire Field
Principal, Claire Field & Associates

Professor Sally Kift
President, Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows

Megan Lilly
Head of Education & Training, Australian Industry Group

Professor Beverley Oliver
Emeritus Professor and Principal Consultant, EduBrief
Session Topics
- What steps are required to re-shape learning and teaching to align with the future of work?
- How should educational quality be measured?
- What role does a contemporary qualifications framework play in advancing these skilling, education and training requirements?
- The skills’ initiatives promoted by government at all levels (state, territory and federal) are focused on VET. How do we move the policy discussion beyond VET to include K-12 and HE for iterative up-&re-skilling?
- Is it possible for VET and HE to work together for a more seamless educational approach and responsive nation building?
Relevant Resources
- AiGroup Realising Potential: Solving Australia’s tertiary education challenge
- AQF Review
- EduBrief – Microcredentials
- AiGroup Skills Urgency: Transforming Australia's workplaces
- Kift (2021), Future work and learning in a disrupted world: ‘The Best Chance for All’
- UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (2020). Embracing a culture of lifelong learning
- Zacharias & Brett (2019). The Best Chance for All.