Reimagining the lives of the lectured: New directions for students on campus post COVID
October 19 - October 21, 2021
Brought to you by Sally Kift, Campus Morning Mail and Twig Marketing
Reimagining the lives of the lectured: New directions for students on campus post COVID
What is the future of the lecture, the lecturer, the textbook and even the campus?
As higher education providers adapt to once in a century disruption in response to COVID-19, there is an opportunity to examine the best ways that technology can be used, and also the best ways humans can be employed to create new enhanced educational experiences for students.
Disruptive technology has picked up the pace and now is the time for everybody in the education community to decide directions on the where and when, the why and how of teaching, learning and community engagement.
Join educational leaders from across the country in a conference from Campus Morning Mail, Sally Kift and Twig Marketing, looking at what is next and what is needed now in adapting educational experiences to the future.
11:00 am - 11:55 am AEDT
12:00 pm - 12:55 pm AEDT
In conversation with students
1:00 pm - 1:55 pm AEDT
It was the beating heart of higher education but now the traditional format is on life-support. Fiercely defended by many but widely dismissed as doing a job that teachers with technology can do better for large classes.
In conversation with Professor Adam Shoemaker
In conversation with
12:00 pm - 12:55 pm AEDT
What’s the future for academics who define their teaching by the lectures? What new skills do they need and how can they adjust to a profession that is not what it used to be.
1:00 pm - 1:55 pm AEDT
Digital tech creates endless teaching options but can academics use the magic for great learning experiences.
12:00 pm - 12:55 pm AEDT
“What’s next for the text” Is there life in the old book yet or can LMS do a better job? If a textbook is needed can it be open access?
1:00 pm - 1:55 pm AEDT
When in-person study is optional what must unis do so that students keep coming back
11:00 am – 11:55 am AEDT
The future of the campus: college town, bright lights, big cities
Professor Brian Schmidt
Vice-Chancellor & President, Australian National University
Professor Glyn Davis
Chief Executive Officer, Paul Ramsay Foundation
Professor Helen Bartlett
Vice-Chancellor & President, University of the Sunshine Coast
Vice-Chancellor and President, The University of Queensland
12:00 pm – 12:55 pm AEDT
Student Pitches for Change at Universities’
Piper Bell
Student Voice Australia Coordinator, University of Adelaide
Dr Mollie Dollinger
Equity-First, Students as Partners Lecturer, Deakin University
Piper Bell – Student Voice Australia Coordinator, University of Adelaide
Dr Mollie Dollinger – Equity-First, Students as Partners Lecturer, Deakin University
Anna Wilkey – Student, University of Canberra
Justin Olive – Student, Deakin University
Jarrod Hurst – Student, Deakin University
Kat Biewer – Student, Monash University
Kurt Cheng – Student, University of Technology Sydney
1:00 pm – 1:55 pm AEDT
The lecture: going, gone or getting better
Professor Mitch Parsell
Academic Executive Director, University of Tasmania
Professor Romy Lawson
Interim Vice-Chancellor, Murdoch University
Professor Michael Sankey
Director, Learning Futures and Lead Education Architect, Charles Darwin University
Professor Adam Shoemaker
Vice-Chancellor, Victoria University
12:00 pm – 12:55 pm AEDT
“I used to lecture, but it’s all now”: what’s next for the lecturer
Professor Gregor Kennedy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), University of Melbourne
Elizabeth Baré
Fellow, LH Martin Institute, University of Melbourne
Professor Scott Bowman AO
Vice-Chancellor and President, Charles Darwin University
Associate Professor Kelly Matthews
Professor, The University of Queensland
1:00 pm – 1:55 pm AEDT
“What wizardry is this: can academics use everything teaching tech provides
Dr Amanda White
Senior Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney
Ray Fleming
APAC Higher Education Program Manager, Google Cloud
Professor Merlin Crossley
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, University of New South Wales
Associate Professor Chie Adachi
Director of Digital Learning, Deakin University
12:00 pm – 12:55 pm AEDT
“What’s next for the text: is there life in the old book yet?”
Professor Blake McKimmie
Acting Associate Dean (Academic), The University of Queensland
Professor Claire Macken
Deputy PVC Learning & Teaching, RMIT University
Colin Simpson
Education Innovation Designer, Monash University
1:00 pm – 1:55 pm AEDT
What students want on campus
Professor Shirley Alexander
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Education and Students), University of Technology Sydney
Samantha Hall
Principal Director, Campus Intuition
Professor Margaret Sheil AO
Vice-Chancellor and President, Queensland University of Technology
Professor Stephen Parker AO
Max Fox
Vice-President Campus Culture, Queensland University of Technology Guild

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